Do you already have your site migrated over and pointed to WPX? There’s a quick way to tell if your machine loads the WPX’s version of your website or the old hosting’s.
Why would you want to check that?
If you’re eager to apply changes to your site right after the migration process, you might want to go through that procedure first. There’s a high chance of the changes that you’re about to apply being saved with your old hosting provider instead of us. To avoid that please follow the steps below.
Step 1. Log in to your WPX account
You can log in to your WPX account here.
Step 2. Navigate to your hosting plan
You can either find your hosting service through the navigation menu or within your dashboard. Once you log in to your WPX account select My Services (1) → WordPress Hosting (2).

Then you will see all of your hosting services with us. When you find the plan that you want to manage, you need to select the orange button Manage service.

Step 3. File Manager menu
Now that you’re in the Hosting Panel, select the File Manager menu. From there, you can manage your website’s files hosted with WPX. We’ll upload a test file that will help determine whether your site loads through WPX’s servers or not.

Step 4. Create a file
Now that you’re in File Manager, you’ll need to find the root directory (public_html) of the site you’d like to apply these changes for. It may look scary but we are here to help you!
The directories in the File Manager are separated into two sections. The first section is domains (1) and it holds the files of all of your sites except the main domain. The second one is the public_html (2) folder and it holds the files for your main domain only.

Which domain is your main domain? The one we associate your account with. It’s the domain you entered first upon registering your hosting account.
Let’s assume the migration that we performed is not for your main domain. That would mean navigating to the /domains directory.
You’ll find all of your websites there except the main domain as stated above. Then select the website that you need to check if it loads from the WPX servers or not.

Then you should go straight to the public_html directory of the site (the root directory). Each site of yours has its public_html directory.

Now that you’re in the public_html (root) directory of the desired site it is time to create a new file, which later on you will try to access through your web browser. Make sure to select the dropdown menu named File (1) and then Create File (2).

A pop-up will appear, where you should fill in whatever name comes to your mind. We’ll go for wpxtest. Press OK when ready to create a new file.
The next thing you need to do is to start editing the file as shown below.

You are now editing the file! You can add pretty much any text in there.

You have created a text file and it’s time to move on to the next step.
Step 5. Preview the newly created file
Make sure to open a new tab in your browser and type in the name of the website you’ve created the file for along with the file name. In our case that would be Please keep in mind that files are case-sensitive. If your file starts with a capital letter, it must be entered the same way in the browser.
And now, the moment of truth!

If you get stuck with anything discussed on this page, please contact WPX Support via live chat (use the bottom right-hand widget) and they will respond and help within 30 seconds or less.