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  4. What are the Let’s Encrypt SSL Certificate limitations?

What are the Let’s Encrypt SSL Certificate limitations?

If you have signed up with us, this means that we got all of your sites covered with free SSL certificates courtesy of Let’s encrypt.

Let’s Encrypt Rate Limits

Let’s Encrypt provides rate limits to ensure fair usage by as many people as possible. These rate limits are high enough to work for most people by default.

They are also designed in a specific way, so renewing a certificate rarely hits a rate limit, and that allows hosting companies to gradually increase the number of certificates they can issue without requiring intervention from the Certificate Authority.

Many attempts for SSL Certificate installation.

The first limitation is connected to the number of attempts made to install a certificate per website. If you request multiple SSL certificates to be installed for one website, then you might get blocked for too many installation requests. The limitation concludes in 50 attempts per week for one domain name

Many attempts for SSL Certificate Renewal

The second limitation is connected to the number of attempts for SSL certificate renewal when it is about to expire. If you make multiple requests for SSL renewal and they fail, then you might get blocked for too many already issued for the exact set of domains in question. The limitation concludes in 5 attempts per week for renewal per website.

What can I do, if I get blocked by Let’s Encrypt?

If you get blocked and our support confirms that, then you will need to wait approximately an hour before another attempt can be made to install or renew the certificate for a website.

If you continue making requests despite the block, the time frame for waiting will be longer than an hour. In such cases, you can get in touch with our Support team via ticket. They will then track the time that you need to wait to be unblocked by Let’s Encrypt and install/renew the certificate for you.

More about Let’s Encrypt Rate Limitations can be read here.

If you get stuck with anything discussed on this page, please get in touch with the WPX Support Team via live chat (use the bottom right-hand widget) and they will respond and help within 30 seconds or less.

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