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  4. How can I merge my Staging site with the Live site?

How can I merge my Staging site with the Live site?

If you are here, you’ve already finished developing your website on your Staging copy and you are ready to push it to the Live website. In this article, we will help you merge your Staging website with the Live website.

Merge Staging to Live – this means that any new blog comments or Post/Page changes on the Live Site, since the Staging version was created, will be kept and only the other changes made on the Staging version are added to the Live site.

Step 1. Log in to your WPX account

You can log in to your WPX account here.

Step 2. Navigate to your hosting plan

You can either find your hosting service through the navigation menu or within your dashboard. Once you log in to your WPX account select My Services (1) → WordPress Hosting (2).

Then you will see all of your hosting services with us. When you find the plan that you want to manage, you need to select the orange button Manage service.

Step 3. Merge Staging to Live

Now that you’re in the Hosting Panel, select the Manage Websites (1) menu. To merge your staging site with the live one, select the Merge to Live (2) button.

Merging your Staging Area site version with the Live version will automatically keep any new blog comments or edited/new Posts and Pages on the Live site since the Staging version was created BUT merging will add any other changes from the Staging version to the Live site e.g. new plugins or theme/templates (will require plugin/theme activation on the relevant WP-Admin page on the Live Site AFTER the merging) or changes to EXISTING plugins.

If Posts or Pages are EDITED on the Staging version, these will REPLACE the Live version Posts/Pages during the merging.

Select Yes to proceed with merging the sites.

You have the option to create a personal backup before you proceed with the merging. Also, you can merge the databases only. Select the option that is best suited for you and click on the Continue with Merging button.

If you have selected a personal backup to be created before merging, you will receive a green notification on the right top corner of the panel. The first notification will be for a successfully created backup.

When the merging process is complete, you will receive a second green notification about that.

The task will be added to the WPX automation queue. Once you’ve initiated a task, you can leave the page and the process will be completed. Leaving a page in your WPX Dashboard will not terminate that queued/automated process.

You can find more information and other automatic features in this article.

When the merge is completed, you can check the updates and changes on your live website, First, you must clear your browser cache and refresh the page. You can do this by pressing CTRL+F5 (possibly several times) or clicking on the Reload Current Page button on your URL bar.

Your live website has now been updated.

If you get stuck with anything discussed on this page, please get in touch with the WPX Support Team via live chat (use the bottom right-hand widget) and they will respond and help within 30 seconds or less.

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